HarmioneMichelleObamaAmy5Inu (Ticker:ORDINALS)

ETH Token Contract: 0x

RoadMap to $5bn ( + ∞% )

How to Buy

  1. Download the Metamask extension and create an account: MetaMask.io
  2. Connect MetaMask to the Uniswap, OKDEX, or DexView and acquire some $ORDINALS
    (Uniswap or OKDEX or Dexview.com can be used.)

  3. If you want to Go Fast™ and use your mom's credit card, check out the Flooz widget below.


The HMOA5I smart contract has 1 tax on all buys and sells.
The total supply of ORDINALS is 420,690,000,000,000
Trust in ORDINALS.

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